The Road Less Traveled



Unrequited love and the coming of age for a young woman in the 1950s. The story of Angela, her teen years searching for love and often in the wrong places.

By Greg Masceri
A short story of 11,143 Words in 45 Pages

Angela Miller had spent the first fifteen years of her life in relative obscurity. Even within her family of three brothers and a mom and dad, she pretty much was relegated to a lesser role. Her family were unwitting beneficiaries of the prosperity of the post world war years and the relative societal calm, or stagnation, of that period.

Children weren’t obliged to do anything more than go to school and stay out of trouble. Mt. Morris, New York was an interesting small town that was a mixture of brick town houses, rows of wood frame dwellings often covered over with asbestos shingles and dozens of small commercial establishments, most of which lined the Main St corridor, also known as Route 408. There were kids everywhere, and a big contingent of them occupied the blocks east of Perry Street to the gorge. Though there were no formal boundaries, those in the Dutch town area were subconsciously aware of territorial prerogative.

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