Our American Kingdom


Our American Kingdom

Fiction » Historical » USA

Short Story
By Greg Masceri
$2.99 USD
Rating: Not yet rated.
Published: Nov. 24, 2012
Words: 6,278 (approximate)
Language: English
ISBN: 9781301342082

Short description
What if America had been established as a Kingdom? This story is about the House of Adams and how it came into being that we became an ally of Great Britain and a constitutional monarchy modeled after our english cousins.

Extended description
Today of course in the United States of America we know a story of a democracy born from tyranny in England. We know that with our founding fathers men like Washington, Jefferson, Franklin, Adams and many others, who helped shape our great nation. What would our nation look like had some of the shapers of our great nation been different men? As facts change for England and circumstances change here in America different realities come to exist. Throughout our history men have fought to come to this great land. It was a new “promised land” a land flowing with milk and honey prepared for men by the hand of the Almighty. Most who came did so at the risk of life and limb and with almost no money. They wanted not only to be free but to make a home where they could live unfettered by the chains of political or religious persecution. In this story we will examine a Royal and monarchical America and examine its impact on our collective future.

history, independence, kingdom, america, alternate, monarchy, adams, prime minister

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